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Автор Тема: Поэзия и критика  (Прочитано 35027 раз)

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #45 : 02-11-2002, 10:59:00 »

Нолеквен, типун тебе на язык! Символисты никогда не умрут!  Cool

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #46 : 02-11-2002, 18:29:59 »

Машуль, я шутю! Grin
Народ, пишите еще! Так приятно вечерком все это почитать, если бы вы только знали... Roll Eyes Grin

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Frayed ends of sanity, everyone's after me...

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #47 : 03-11-2002, 02:12:59 »

Если кому-нить интересно вольные переводы Арии на инглиш посмотреть - во.. Милости просим  Wink
Критики пжалста не надо, сам знаю что по сравнению с оригиналом это как жаба рядом с драконом  Grin
А ради интересу я названия убил  Smiley сами думайте что есть что, по припеву все равно с одного взгляда угадывается.


In hour of dawn a lone jackal forgot about his hunger great...
He watched from a hill after a line of horsemen...
This day is a black day - ruler of all the world is dead...
And old, and young, all cannot hold their tears...
He was a decent ruler, he was both sun and moon...
The Empire is now his mourining widowess...

He will be buried in nameless grave in empty stepe,
Where dreams of rotting meat traitor-jackal...
And thousands of horses will trample down to there        
So that dull cries would not wake the dead king from his uneasy rest...
Jackal will bark hoarsly, that he's a brother to dead king...
The same pathways and greedness, and same dark blood...

It is but a lie that he was fair King,      
It is all just nonsense, he bathed in blood,
It is but a lie, there should not be a King,
People are same, and when they'll understand,
Everyone will have more power than any King of past,
It is but a lie...

To honour great king, who ended hunger and brough peace to thousand of savage's,
Ten hundreds people will lay their bones whilst building a good tomb for him...
King was a saint, and anyone who'll dare to say he never was,
Will not outlive his fallen monarch  
By more than day or month...
Jackal sits silent, waiting... He knows the blood will spill again...
The carpet to King's Throne is always red... From spilled blood!  

It is but a lie that a King can be Good,    
It is all just nonsense, no King can be fair,
It is just a lie, you must think for yourself,
People are fair, and when You'll understand,
You will be King for yourself with no endless pain,
It is but a lie...

I can not sleep, my death will come with first light,
And sounds of footsteps kill me faster than knife,
I need no Iesus, end of world for me's coming,
Grey-robed monk brings me his saintly lies.
A holy man brings word of God to my prison,
And offers glory of the great afterlife,
You are a mortal and have to go to Skies,
So said this monk, and he lied to me...
-Repent, son, this earthly life is nothing, but a test...
Open eyes and see the God in every simple stone...

Night! Comes to an end,
Day! Brings only pain,
World! Of dreams will be destroyed.
Night! Comes to an end,
Day! Will kill a man,
Every! Person someday dies, so will I...

Glory of Heaven I will leave for the cowards,
Who has no strength must seek the Power from Gods.
I am an earthly beast and on the Skies they don't need me,
And to hell with eternity, what use from it?
Let it be so if I have to burn in hellfire,
Let the crowd run to see my death with all speed.
Their cries of hatred will be my last reward,
I'll won't be dying all alone, like most do...
Ray of light falls in my cell, I hear door is unlocked...
This is it, my death is here, brought by a simple man...

Night! Comes to an end,
Day! Brings only pain,
World! Of dreams will be destroyed.
Night! Comes to an end,
Day! Will kill a man,
Every! Person someday dies, so will I...

Rest and death are so similiar, like two twin brothers...
Fear of being alone, waiting for dawn, like if it will help...
Fear to swim along the lane, but war is no more...
No, but Im quiet, No, but I still wait,
No, but I still pray, No, but I still swear
I'll wont give up...

I always knew only one truth, just one.
Better to die two times than rot in chains.
I killed to live and again, to kill.
And I never thought there is the Peace.
Sun burns our eyes we're going towards the East.
It is so hot, like we're already dead, in hell...
Blood is my only food, honour is my crest.
In the name of Honour I have killed fear, yes fear...

War's going on, my war's going on, my war...
War's going on, my war's going on, my war...

I have became independ from outer commands,
War is long time behind, it's lost in fog of age.
Amongst these happy faces I feel like in grave.
I remember fallen comrades and my soul screams.
Sun burns my eyes again, but I just turn away.
Noone now needs me, I'm here to scare.
I speak with my old rifle, like with a friend.
I haven't lost my mind, hatred is my flag, flag...

War's going on, my war's going on, my war...
War's going on, my war's going on, my war...

Let them speak their speeches 'Peace is paradice'
I feel the thirst for battle, fingers itch to kill.
This hatred covered in nice words is worse than fight,
Instead of endless lies, why they dont just die?
No, I'm not insane, call me what you want.
War is the only peace for tired veteran.
So I take my old rifle, and I go away.
They say he turned crazy, he is now our prey.
People with whom we fought together come for me.    
Yet now I am happy, and they now thank me, thank me...  

War's going on, Our war's going on, Our war...
War's going on, Our war's going on, Our war...

My home has turned into jail,
I don't seem to know anyone.
I was so foolish, I thought it will change...

I thought, the friend will understand,
He will, and tell me 'Go ahead!'
But friend was lost in maze of his dreams...

I have decided to take risk,
Noone has told me 'Look around!'
And I have painted my soul into black.

Like beast, which I've hated myself,
I walk towards the Endless Hate,
At last I took my revenge for all these lonely hours...

There was a moment I had dreams,
I was so young and full of hopes,
But fate had other plans for my life...

It brought the light to me,
And showed me great beauty,
Only to take all I have gained away...


I have worked like wolf, never howled at the moon
Every day was just one: endless battle with all,
All are fighting around,
For the peace, for place and for the air.
In this accursed place everyone is a fool,
Here all spit in your heart, and clean shoes with your soul,
But I am, I am not, I am not like others...
This is life for no poet,  
This is war, not a life,
This is life not for me!
Somewhere the days are bright,
Somewhere the stars shine high,
Somewhere the weather's nice,
And you fear not for life...
Somewhere the hearts are clear,
Somewhere all friends are near,
Too bad that I am now not here!

Everyone in this place has his very own hell,
Not with flames or the beasts, its just full of their fear,
Some fear wife, some fear boss, some fear them themselves...
This is life not for workers,
This is war not a life,
This is life not for me!

Somewhere the comets fly,
Somewhere the fun walks by,
Somewhere there is warm fire,
And you fear not for life...
Somewhere the dreams come true,
Somewhere the love is true,
Too bad that I am now not here!

I would bid my goodbye to this wonderful life,
If I wouldn't have been just as stupid as all,
If I would been more smart, and won't lived in dreams.
Seems I've found long sought piece,
I have found wonderland, but too bad, oh too bad,
I need much more dollars!
You can live how you want.
Everyone's happy and free.
Too bad it costs too high a fee!

I know where skies are bright,
I know where stars shine high,
I know where's the warmest fire,
And noone fears for his life...
I know where hearts are clear,
I know where friends are near,
Too bad I'll wont be there!      

Right atop the cliff beneath lies eternity
You are standing lone controlled by strange thoughts
And, forgetting about life, you're ready to step forward
Play with fires of unearthly peace...

Finnaly you're happy as noone was ever
Angelical dust is taking you away
Flying on the wings of southern winds
In the flowing skies your happy laughter's heard...

Right atop the cliff the godly sounds are heard
Chorus of the goddesses and music of the gods
You are flying above world but the seller of the joy
Wants to take your soul as payment for one hour.

You have gotten tired to be flying so you've fallen down
Fallen down to escape your upcoming doom
Right atop the cliff again burn fires
Hundreds of lost souls come here to find their doom...

Вот такая вот мутя  Wink

« Последнее редактирование: 03-11-2002, 19:48:36 от Нолеквен » Записан

...We live only once so take hold of the Chance, don't end up like others the same song and dance... -- Metallica, Motorbreath
400,000,000 на Лайфбэйн, плиииззззз!!!

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #48 : 03-11-2002, 15:49:04 »

Ух ты... Народ обычно с английского на русский переводит, а тут такОе! Любопытно, очень любопытно.. Cheesy
Shaolong, только ты напиши, из каких это песен текста. А то сразу не понятно... А вообще, это круто! Wink

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Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #49 : 03-11-2002, 16:42:42 »

Ну, это просто:
Кто хочет еще поугадывать, дальше не читайте.

1. Обман
2. Ночь короче дня
3. Бой продолжается
4. Герой асфальта
5. Паранойя
6. Ангельская пыль (кстати, ты забыл название на англицком убрать)

На все вопросы рассмеюсь я тихо,
На все вопросы не будет ответа...
(с) А. Шклярский

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #50 : 03-11-2002, 19:50:33 »

кстати, ты забыл название на англицком убрать

Без пробоем... Убирем Wink

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Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #51 : 03-11-2002, 22:02:29 »

Как ни странно - вполне прилично сохранена ритмика и кое где даже рифма, уважаю за усидчивость  Wink

На все вопросы рассмеюсь я тихо,
На все вопросы не будет ответа...
(с) А. Шклярский

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #52 : 04-11-2002, 17:55:54 »

Shaolong, а на музуку оритиналов это как ложится?

Феарен, не мог бы ты все свои стихи прислать мне на мыло? Есть одна идейка... Wink

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Frayed ends of sanity, everyone's after me...

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #53 : 05-11-2002, 22:12:07 »

Не уверен, но вроде с музыкой все путем...
Там в принципе в паре мест надо чуть еще подправить, а вообще специально рифму пытался сохранить... Приятно слышать что не все так плохо  Smiley... В принципе я там еще пару переводей делал, но более вольных... Как допишу - пришлю!  Smiley пока только вот один только боль мень звучит...


Who have said the dreams are danger, Goodness is no good?
Who said selfishness now reigns?
Like before, lies will bring nothing,
True friendship can withstand all storms.

Who have said two aren't an army, meaningless like bugs?
Who said old times came to end?
World is harsh and cruel, wave comes after wave
Keep your faith, and you will not fall down.

Who have said one can't fly, dreams never come true?
Who have said never leave your hole?
Steel is light and rocks weight nothing,
If you are truly brave.

Stand, throw your fear away
Stretch in full height.
Stand, and forget the pain.
Stand, and you will reach the stars!

Who have said fighting is pointless, Evil rules all?
Who said 'Flee! Friend'll cover back!'
Path is long and never easy, but, if hearts are strong,
Nothing'll stop you two.

Stand, and forget your fears
Stand, keep your faith.
Stand, feel the strength inside.
Stand, and nothing will stop you!

Понять я думаю, мона, откуда пошло, но слова переделал на свой манер  Smiley

А почему на англицкий переводил - нуу.... Я раньше Металлику на русский переписывал - если кому интересно, могу прислать... А так, у меня сейчас англицкий - не менее родной язык чем русский, и вообщем-то все друзья - англы... Вот и переписываю по тихоньку  Smiley
Может, в 'играх' или еще где напишу, как так вышло, а пока... Спросите Феарена, или...
telnet : realms.game.org 4000  Smiley

Realms of Despair forever! Smiley

Если разобраться - классная вещица...

Life of the Realms (Музыка : Motorbreath, Metallica)

Living and dying, laughing and crying
Once you have seen it, you'll never be the same
Realms of Despair are just called a game,
It is our life and you can't toy with that

Don't stop for nothing, it's Realms or nothing,
I'm taking down whatever not lets me RoD
Getting your kicks as you're going online
This is all nothing 'cause Realms are life

Realms of Despair
It's how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
Realms of Despair
It's what's most real for me
It is going to take your breath away

Those people who tell you you are silly mudder
They all are missing on what's life about
You only live once, and I have my own world
Don't tell me 'crazed!' I live how I want!

Realms of Despair
It's how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
Realms of Despair
It's what's most real for me
It is going to take your breath away...

Вот так вот мы там и живем  Smiley

...We live only once so take hold of the Chance, don't end up like others the same song and dance... -- Metallica, Motorbreath
400,000,000 на Лайфбэйн, плиииззззз!!!

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Воля и разум - сильнее всяких войн

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #54 : 05-11-2002, 22:31:18 »

Уху.... весёлая чтука и стих классный  Grin. Я Металику и сам переводил правдо уж очень вольно.. скорее писаль стихи по мотивам их песен  Smiley

Ожидание смерти хуже самой смерти

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #55 : 08-11-2002, 13:35:17 »

Fearen, я там твои стихи немного "покоцал" Smiley Хотел спросить, не разрешишь ли ты использовать некоторые из них еще в каких-нить песнях? (а то идеи так и прут! Cheesy)

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #56 : 08-11-2002, 15:11:06 »

Нолеквен, такое впечатление создается, что ты много музыки пишешь... Это правда?

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Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #57 : 08-11-2002, 23:23:49 »

 Grin КОНЕЧНо разрешаю ! Только с условиями:
1- авторские права
2 - 33% заработанного мне
и т.п. ща дам мобильный моего мэнеджера ! Шутка !!!

Не... конечно можешь брать но только уж ОЧЕНЬ бы хотелось услышать что из этого выйдет  Grin если есть возможность как нибудь пришли !

Ожидание смерти хуже самой смерти

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Careful what you wish - You just might get it...

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #58 : 09-11-2002, 13:08:56 »

Кину, пожалуй, и свой примитив...

Если бы я был светом,
Ты служила бы тьме.
Если бы я был небом,
Ты бродила бы по земле.

Сейчас всё это не так,
Но это не меняет ничего -
Мы оба здесь, но как
Ты всё-таки далеко...

Ты всё время рядом,
Но по другую сторону стены.
А я брожу под снегом,
И не верю в приход весны

Может вот она судьба?
Я буду вечно ждать...
И бессмысленны слова,
Лучше просто промолчать.



There's a fire in the sky.
Fire is burning in your eyes,
Trying get outside.

Say, I know you can feel pain,
Such that you can't ever say.
Come and join my game!

Play. Only this can bring fame,
Eveyone will speak your name -
This is choise to made.

Hate. It is boiling in your brain,
Hatred, making you insane,
It is now your fate!

Mercy is making you weak -
Death is the road you seek.
Pain of yours will be meek.

Критикуйте наздоровье...

Я всех высмеивать вокруг имею право, и моя слава всегда со мной. Пускай все чаще угрожают мне расправой, но я и в драке хорош собой. Как голова ты горяча - не стань трофеем палача. (c) КиШ

Re:Поэзия и критика
« Ответ #59 : 09-11-2002, 13:38:54 »

Галатея... Нет... Я старую перелапачиваю и стихи господина Ф. на нее кладу. Получается убойно! Cheesy

Феарен, обязательно услышишь! Только это будет тяжелее Арии... А насчет авторских прав, музыка - моя (и частично еще одного парня, с которым, из всех собравшихся, знакома только Гала), а стихи - твои (в первую очередь), но под моей редакцией... Надеюсь, то, что я их немного изменяю тебя не сильно покоробит...
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